COVID-19 Guidelines
These guidelines build upon those provided by the RFU, and the Stage D contact guide which coaches should also familiarise themselves with.
New guidelines came into force on Monday 14th October 2020 to limit groups of six or more following a significant rise in Covid cases in the UK. Organised team sport is exempt from this announcement, but will continue to monitor the (ever changing) regulations and update guidelines with any pertinent changes.
Please be mindful that any age-grade activity is subject to both the COVID-19 guidelines, as well as Regulation 15. Beyond the safeguarding implications, breach of either the RFU COVID-19 guidelines, or Reg. 15 invalidates the RFU insurance, and exposes the club to RFU disciplinary action and fines.
Prior to attending training and matches, all players, officials, volunteers and spectators should undergo a self-assessment for any Covid-19 symptoms. No-one should leave home to participate in any type of rugby activity if they, or someone they live with, has any of the following Covid-19 symptoms:
A high temperature
A new, continuous cough
A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste
Should an individual exhibit any such symptoms, they should follow NHS and PHE guidance on self-isolation with immediate effect.
All players need to register & wash their hands before arriving at training and as soon as they get home. Coaches are asked to have hand-sanitizer available during the session (the club had a supply for this purpose).
Coaches must maintain a register of participants, along with the group in which they participated, coaches should confirm that the individual completed the self-assessment prior to arrival. This is to enable subsequent track and trace if required.
Only non-contact training and limited contact training as permitted within the Stage D guidelines.
Maximum game size is 20 (10 vs 10). Maximum group size for contact training is 6, with each participant participating in close-proximity training for no more than 15 mins in a session. Further details on what is permitted can be found in the relevant RFU Stage guidelines.
Each group of 20 players requires at least half a pitch.
U6 – U8 can only train for 1 hour; U9 + can only train for 75 mins.
Multiple groups can train simultaneously, with interchange between games permitted e.g. round-robin format (provided that the games do not exceed 10 vs 10 and the total allowable training time is not exceeded). Coaches are also permitted to coach multiple sessions in a 24 period provided that the socially distance during the session.
Any equipment such as tackle pads, shields, bags should be cleaned and sanitised after each individual players use. All other equipment including rugby balls must be cleaned and sanitised after a maximum of 15 minutes activity
Use of tags and/or tag-belts is not permitted, as these cannot reasonably be cleaned between uses. Bibs/headbands must not be shared during sessions and must be cleaned between sessions.
Coaches should not supply drinks for the players, they must bring their own.
Players and coaches should remain socially distanced during breaks.
The RFU have introduced a game format Ready4Rugby, which is the basis on which they intend to start competitive rugby. 10-a-side, 2-m retreat from ‘tag’, 4 phases to score. Link
There is pitch-allocation for Sunday usage, with groups being allocated space/time reflecting latest guidelines.
Parents/guardians must observe from a distance whilst also maintaining social distancing themselves.
Hand-sanitizer is available
Each group needs to have a qualified first aider with them who has gloves and a mask in addition to their normal first kit. The next part of this is hard to regulate and it will be up to the individual first aider to assess if essential treatment is required. As with good first aid practice an assessment should be made as you approach the incident and in current times before you get within 2 meters
If you do not feel you can meet all the above requirements no training session should take place.
HMG: Guidance for the public on the phased return of outdoor sport and recreation in England
HMG: COVID-19 Secure guidelines
HMG: Guidance for providers of outdoor facilities on the phased return of sport and recreation in England
RFU: Aug 29 – Stage D Contact Guide
RFU: Aug 8 – Guidance for Stage C (Webinar)
RFU: Sep 5 – Guidance for. Stage D (Webinar)
RFU: Aug 8 – Return to community rugby update
RFU: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Community Game Updates
RFU: Homepage – Running your club – Coronavirus
RFU: England Rugby Coaching Twitter – Confirmation that no limits on teams-played
St John’s Ambulance: COVID-19 Advice for first-aiders
RFU: Regulation 15 – Age grade rugby
RFU: Regulation 21 – Safeguarding