The Friends of Bridgwater & Albion RFC
The Club needs your support. One very positive way of providing that support is through membership of ‘The Friends’.
The Friends are a group of people both Club members and non-members who wish to provide support which ensures that the Club has the best opportunity to play rugby of the highest quality possible for the benefit of players, Club members and the community.
We are also committed to generally supporting the Club’s Executive Committee and Management. We provide this support in two ways:
- Through donations of cash or goods which directly benefits the playing of rugby
- Through providing from amongst our members a source of knowledge and expertise on a wide range of subjects which the club may call upon as required
We operate independently of the club but maintain a close liaison with the executive Committee, management and Club Coach. We manage our own affairs through an elected committee of Trustees.
Our committee of trustees are: Bob Payne (Chairman), Chris Kettle (Secretary), Ralph Sealey (Treasurer), Lionel Porter, Brian Lishman and Barry Slocombe.
We can make a difference through providing much needed support to the club. If you want to be part of this then join our growing membership.
Copies of our constitution and membership application forms are available from our secretary Chris Kettle who can be contacted on 01278 457089